Asian healthy vegetarian dishes

Asia is home to plant-based Buddhist cooking and diet.
 In this vegetarian cooking class, we bring you the best dishes from across Asia, utilizing traditional techniques from various cuisines and cultures.
Vegetarian food can be vibrant, full of flavor, and doesn't rely on "fake meat" to provide a satisfying experience.

Menu example:
• Vietnamese coconut spring rolls
• Japanese Kabocha miso soup
• Chinese stir-fried green beans with garlic and ginger
• Filipino Mango sago - coconut mango tapioca pudding.
This class is suitable for those following a vegetarian, vegan, halal, or plant-based diet.

The class is held in English.

Raw materials have to be payed to the teacher in the class.


Mølholm Skole, Tankegangen 1, 7100 Vejle
Tirsdag, 17:30 - 21:30
5 lektioner, 1 mødegang
Tirsdag 3. december, 2024
Hold nr.: 9124119004

300 kr./person

11 ledige pladserTilmeld kursus


Phung Nguyen Yen

300 kr./person

Tilmeld kursus