Klaverholdet hvor vi spiller dine ønsker og gør hurtige fremskridt. Du lærer simple men effektive indstuderingsmetoder, som giver hurtige resultater og motivation til mere.
Alle genrer og ønsker er velkomne - og langt det meste kan lade sig gøre.
Der er 2 deltagere pr. hold, der undervises sammen i 1 lektion á 45 minutter pr. uge. Udgift til noder må påregnes.
Underviser: Ronan Perrett - kontakt oplysninger: Tlf: 91649319 - Mail: ronanperrett@gmail.com
1.800 kr./person
Ronan Perrett
I have a bachelors in performance and an LRAM diploma from the Royal Academy of Music in London, and a graduate certificate in counselling from Goldsmiths university. I’m currently taking a masters in music education at the Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium in Copenhagen. I have fifteen years experience and my teaching style is friendly, personal and based around aims and goals we come up with together.
When we first meet we can discuss where you are, where you want to go and if you have any previous experience. We can agree on the style, method and format of learning to start with. I believe each musician has their own way of learning and my aim is to find a way of working together which facilitates musical growth.
I am from the UK so (for now) our lessons will be in English.
I would love the opportunity to teach you, please get in touch.
1.800 kr./person
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